Nutrition Science Writing - for Professionals and Consumers
We provide evidence-led content for companies and organizations in the nutrition industry Whether your intended audience is the healthcare provider or consumer, we can help! Discover More...
CNS SPE Supervision
Dr. Kim Ross is a pre-approved supervisor for the CNS Supervised Practice Experience (SPE). Whether you need all of your hours or just a portion of them, this flexible, self-paced, online supervision program is cost-friendly for aspiring CNSs. Explore More...
Speaking Engagements
Dr. Kim Ross is available to present for your next nutrition conference, webinar, or podcast. Explore more...
Nutrition Science Writing - Peer-Reviewed Publications
Are you looking for a lead author or co-author for your next journal publication? We would love to collaborate with you! Discover More... ​​
CNS Virtual Office Hours
What do you do when your supervision has ended but you still have questions? Whether you are a new or seasoned CNS, sometimes you want to talk to a colleague about a client case, business ideas, continuing education, and so on. Kim provides one-on-one mentoring for scenarios like this. Explore More...