Certified Nutrition Specialists

SPE Supervision
For CNS Candidates
Whether you need all of your hours or just a portion of them, this flexible, self-paced, online supervision program is cost-friendly for aspiring CNSs.
Dr. Kim Ross has been a CNS since 2013 and became a pre-approved supervisor for the CNS Supervised Practice Experience (SPE) in 2017.
Along her professional journey, she had the pleasure of working with the American Nutrition Association and Board for Certified Nutrition Specialists on a variety of projects and programs. She served on the BCNS Credential Council from 2016-2023 where she helped refine the requirements of this prestigious credential and approved many CNS's credentials! She also was part of the team that developed the CNS Scope of Practice.
CNS Virtual
Office Hours
For CNS, new and seasoned
What should you do when your CNS supervision has concluded, but you still have questions, need assistance, or feel isolated in your clinical practice? Perhaps you're struggling with a bit of "Imposter Syndrome" as you embark on your clinical journey.
Kim offers personalized mentoring for situations like these through CNS Virtual Office Hours.
Navigating nutrition care can be tough at times. If you have a client with complex or multiple issues and wish to collaborate on their care, or if you’re new to clinical practice and want to review your plan with an experienced nutritionist before presenting it to a client, this can be an ideal option for you.
Business Program
For aspiring CNS candidates and new or seasoned CNSs
This program is ideal for aspiring, new, or existing CNSs who are looking to enhance their knowledge on how to start and operate a private nutrition practice.
Topics include creating a business plan, business basics, foundations of marketing and networking, navigating health insurance, and financial planning for the business and yourself.