Nutrition Science Writing
Audience: Healthcare Providers and Consumers
I lead our team of writers to craft educational content for consumers and healthcare professionals that inspires readers to take action. We have the skills to translate complex, science-based information into digestible (pun intended), audience-centered language.
You will decide on the writing style that best suits your audience (engaging, academic, etc.), but all of the content we create will always be evidence-based.
Nutrition Science Peer-Reviewed Publications
Case Reports/Series
Literature Reviews
In May/June 2021, EXPLORE released a Special Edition of Case Reports, highlighting that some of the most meaningful learning experiences in clinical practice come from shared stories of patient success.
Literature reviews serve as an excellent resource for busy nutrition professionals to stay abreast of the volume of literature published every day.
I collaborate with clinicians to write Case Reports/Series using CARE Guidelines and work independently or with your team to publish literature reviews.
Nutrition Science Presentations
Conferences, Webinars, Podcasts
If you are seeking a presenter for your next conference or webinar designed for healthcare and nutrition professionals, let's talk. I am also available to join you on your podcast!
Areas of specialty include:
Hormone Health
Amino Acid Therapy for Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep
Psychobiotics for Anxiety and Depression
Melatonin for sleep and beyond
The Science of Maca